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The work “Inclusive Psychology in Practice” is organized by the psychologist and professor, Master Ana Letícia Covre Odorizzi Marquezan and is born from her concern, together with students of the Psychology course at the Lutheran University Center of Palmas – Ceulp/ULBRA, from the activities of the discipline Psychology and Inclusion Practices, which had APAE Palmas – TO as its field, in 2019. 

It is expected that, commonly, the psychologist will solve the mysteries of behavior and the mind, which will, in a magic pass, resolve individual or collective issues whether in individual psychotherapy, couple psychotherapy, group therapy , diagnostic evaluation or even in ludotherapy sessions. There are no formulas when it comes to prevention and promotion in mental health, there are no recipes when it comes to education and management practices. The truth is that reality is much more challenging, which is why the initiative to publicize the practice of Psychology in the context of Inclusive Education is necessary and current. We live in accelerated times of technology, excessive technicality, fragility in relationships, and also, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the lack of human contact becomes one of the major problems of today. These excesses and deficiencies have been generating more and more anguish and difficulties in expressing feelings. 


(Text taken from the Preface of the book Inclusive Psychology in Practice)

Irenides Teixeira
PhD in Education, Master in Communication and Market.



Ana Letícia Covre Odorizzi Marquezan

Graduated in Psychology from the UNIRG Foundation (2010), Post Graduated  in Gerontology (UFT) and Master in Education Master's Program (PPGE) /UFT) with an emphasis on Psychology of creativity and aging



Brenda Karelly Silva de Souza
Bruna Neves Lima
Camila Campos Oliveira 
Gabriel Vinícius Jesus Martins
Geyciele Parente Borges
Gilstefany Lorrana Ferreira de Oliveira
Ingrid de Sousa Santos
Jenniffer Adrielly Linhares Fonseca
Jessica Cavalcante de Almeida
Jessica Fernanda Dos Santos Vilas Boas
Karla Roberta Santos Lima
Lenício Nascimento
Luanna Carolline Machado Corrêa
Maianna Deyse Sobrinho Macedo
Marina Clara Borges Severino
Marisa Ramos Armudi
Murilo Alves de Morais
Nineveh Guilherme Ayres
Paula Majela Menezes Garcia
Poliana Lopes Garcia
Ritaline da Silva Pereira
Silvia Carvalho
Simone Oliveira Cruz De Souza
Tercio Santos
Thais Raianny Lima Silva
Wagner Charles Soares De Barros
Yarle Micaela Lourenço Borges
Yasmilsa Mesquita Do Nascimento 


R$54.00 Regular Price
R$47.00Sale Price
    • BARS CODE 9786589844105
    • HEIGHT 21 cm
    • WIDTH 14 cm
    • PESO 0.333 kg
    • FINISHING Special Brochure
    • ISBN 978-65-89844-10-5
    • YEAR OF EDITION 2021
    • LANGUAGE English
    • ORGANIZADORA JAna Letícia Covre Odorizzi Marquezan

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