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services/ Book layout


Format your book with the highest quality and lowest cost on the market. We have highly qualified professional book layout designers. Personalized service for professional writers, independent authors and printers in Portuguese in Brazil and abroad.

diagramação de livro


More than 200 publishers served throughout Brazil. Surprise your readers with the layout of your book. Don't embarrass yourself by formatting your book in Word unless it is printed on regular printers. If you intend to send your book to a publisher or print it in high quality, you also need professional formatting. 



What is book layout?


The layout or formatting of books is a service performed by graphic design specialists in books. The objectives are: to make the book more beautiful, attractive, with practical visibility for pleasant reading and layout that expresses the theme of the book; in addition to formatting the original, which was often initially produced in a text editor such as Word, into a program that is accepted by offset printers from professional graphics, raising the quality of the material.


We often see excellent writers who waste all their talent publishing their manuscripts amateurishly formatted and printed on low quality materials, resulting in books that do not attract or hold the attention of the public. All this because they would rather save pennies than have to hire a professional book formatting job.


A correctly and attractively laid out book is critical to the success of the writer, the publisher, and the independent author. It is better not to publish than to publish in any graphic work, without criteria.

How to layout a book?

A book can be designed, basically, in 2 programs: InDesign and Corel Draw. A graphic design needs to be created to achieve the writer's goals. After the project is ready and approved, the layout of the book must follow the same line as the project until the end.


How does Editora UNISV book formatting services work?


Professional layout is a crucial part of a book's success. Each stage of the process deserves special attention from our professionals: chapters, footers, dedication, summary, titles, subtitles, etc. But the most important thing is that the book has a pleasant aesthetic and correct specifications to avoid future headaches. Take a look at the steps that will be taken to achieve this ideal:


  1. You must request a quote atform below;

  2. 24 business hours after approval of the budget and proof of payment for the services, you will be contacted by one of our editors or literary agents. You will talk about the graphic design of the book, your goals and professional suggestions about font, spaces, etc.;

  3. An experienced book layout artist will lay out a page or two of the book for your approval;

  4. After your approval, we will immediately start the services;

  5. You will receive the book in high resolution PDF/X-1a, with crop marks and converted to CMYK or grayscale, using images and graphics with a resolution suitable for printing (exact pixels), format according to the use of the paper to be used used for printing and several other parameters that must be strictly followed so that the book is visibly professional and well printed;

  6. If the printer or publisher requests any adjustments that they cannot make, you will have full follow-up from our book layout professionals for up to two months, without charging anything extra for it.


Can the layout of the book be done if it has images, tables and illustrations?


Yes. The book formatting services offered by Editora UNISV are suitable both for originals with only texts, texts with images or only images (in the case of photography books, for example).


How much does it cost to design a book


Editora UNISV offers the lowest price on the market and greater agility compared to other service providers that offer the same quality and professionalism. This is due to our team, structure and outsourced service providers. The values vary according to the graphic design of each book, the investment ranges from BRL 6 to BRL 15 per page* depending on the complexity found and the time it will be used.


 * a page (original page in Word) can have up to 2,000 characters with text-only spaces, or up to 1,000 characters with images.


What is the formatting of a book


The ideal formatting is the one that you previously agreed with the graphic or publisher you will work with. A few simple choices can add up to big budget differences.


The most common formats are: A5 (14x21cm), or 16x23cm or 15.5x23cm. The most used spaces between the lines are simple, or 1.5 and the font Times New Roman 12. The margins of 1cm. However, when requesting our book layout or formatting services, our professionals will accompany you and advise you on the ideal format for your project.


What is the best program to write a book?


In our opinion the best program to write a book is still Microsoft Word. You must write with more space between each paragraph and use a common font, such as Arial or Times News Roman. However, you should not format the book with this tool, unless you are going to print the material on a common domestic printer. If you want a professional printing, you should hire a qualified professional to layout your book correctly.


Word is a writing software (text editor) and offers some advanced and very intuitive formatting options for files that are viewed on the internet or printed on an inkjet, laser or other common printer. It is not a program with features for professional printing.


Request a quoteright now and turn your text into a book.


What is the best program to layout or format a book?


CAUTION: Some writers who request only ourprinting services, come to us with their books formatted and laid out in Word and transferred to a common PDF. For e-books that's fine, but for quality printing you need to use the right program. Otherwise the entire book will need to be re-layouted. Some printers don't care about this and print the book anyway. The result will be very bad and the book will hardly be accepted by any real bookstore or distributor. Furthermore, even if the book is for personal sale in independent publishing, you will send a message of sloppiness and carelessness to the reader.


In the past, the program most used by publishers, the graphic industry and book design was PageMaker. However, it became outdated and other more practical software was developed. Currently we use InDesing or Corel Draw. Also request ourprinting serviceand guarantee the best price and highest quality for your work.


What is the deadline for layout of a book?


A frequently asked question is: How long does it take to format/layout a book? Now that you already know how the service works and the quality that we value in this fundamental step for the production of a book, you will understand why the average time for the layout of your book may vary according to the complexity and objectives of the project. Some services are delivered in 5 days, others in up to two months. We always value agility, but quality and customer satisfaction come first.

What kind of book can be laid out?

Basically we can diagram all types of books and magazines, the most common of which are:


- Technical book layout,
- Storybook layout,
- Children's book layout,
- Commercial book layout,
- Book layout for speakers,
- Religious book layout,
- Gothic style book layout,
- Classic book layout,
- Modern book layout,
- Layout / Formatting of E-book,
-  Book layout with photographs,
- Color book layout,
- Layout of a book of poems (poems and rhymes),
- Literature layout,
- Layout of a novel book,
- Layout for recipe book,
- Layout for educational books,
- Book layout for other publishers,
- Layout of scientific and academic books. 


Forward your questions to the e-mail: or talk to our team via WhatsApp: (88) 997643201

See some examples:

diagramação de livros.png
Orçamento diagramação de livro


Fill out the form below correctly with the specifications of the book layout service you want. We will answer you within 8 working hours in our office hours:

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