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SOCIAL NETWORK MANAGEMENT  Social Network Management 

Digital Marketing Agency specialized in Social Media Management. Management of Social Media with specialized content in texts and arts: Facebook, Instagram,LinkedIn, Whatsapp

gestão de redes sociais | administração de redes socias

UNISV – Universidade do Sucesso em Vendas, also has a broad structure and a qualified team to provide social media management services for small businesses, writers, artists, politicians and liberal professionals.


The management of social networks is no longer a competitive differential to become something fundamental and indispensable for the growth of a personal or business brand.


The management of social media carried out by UNISV is totally focused on your results, meeting the objectives you seek, generating greater business opportunities or brand fixation (Branding).



We will manage your social networks based on your goals. Our mission is to help you achieve results.


Your identity on social networks is essential for achieving results. In the management of your social networks, we create your posts through images, videos and texts optimized for your target audience.


You will receive, every month, a report describing what was done and the results achieved with the growth of your audience. A meeting to discuss how to achieve increasingly consistent results.


If you have a website, blog or online store, we will work with a focus on optimizing your online presence, organizing and strengthening your sales funnel.


If necessary, we have optional plans with a service team to direct your customers to the right department or even close sales for you.


We create the weekly or monthly schedule and only start your posts after your approval, if you so wish.


You are completely free to make your own posts, but this is not necessary. Leave all the hard work with social media to us and enjoy more time with your business, family or friends.


To accelerate your results, we will manage and create your ads on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube or Google (ADS). All focused on your goals and according to your advertising budget.


If you don't have it yet, don't worry, we create and optimize your social networks, according to the objects you intend to reach for your business or career.

como funciona?
Planos e preços



  • How does content creation and social media posting work?
    The material posted on your social networks will be in accordance with the analyzes carried out and can be texts, arts ( images), videos or posting on your Blog (articles on your website) and videos, depending on the strategies created and the social networks you chose to be managed by our team .
  • How to start services?
    First, a free basic diagnosis is carried out to understand your real needs and check whether we can meet your expectations during the initial contract. You can request a free diagnosis via WhatsApp. Then, when signing the contract, we start the deep diagnosis to identify your target audience, main competitors , challenges and market opportunities. After that, our team prepares the strategies for your approval. Upon approval, we move on to the content and post creation stage. You can choose whether or not to follow each completed step, depending on your time availability.
  • How does the management of paid ads work?
    You can choose whether or not to invest in paid media on social networks. It should be noted that social networks prioritize companies that invest in ads, making organic results increasingly difficult. The investment amount is determined by the client, it can be, for example: R$ 20 per week or R$ 1,000 per day. Our team is always following the clients' investments, as there are cases where, for example, more results are achieved with less money. That's why we give suggestions, but it's up to you to decide how much to invest.
  • What is the minimum term for the social media management contract?
    We understand that most clients will prefer to hire us for an indefinite period, or longer periods such as 5 or 10 years . However, to facilitate the start of the business, we carry out 6-month contracts. We offer discounts for contracts over 1 year.
  • Will I need to write texts, send images or post something?
    Not necessarily. We will make all the texts and all the arts for publication. However, the customer can choose to send images. You can also make your posts and lives, with or without our support, if you wish. But none of these services are mandatory, we will do everything for you. Only in paid promotions, which in some cases, we will need product photos. We also request samples in cases of contract with production of long videos.
  • Can I buy more than one plan?
    Yes! You can buy as many plans as you need. As the cost is very low, many agencies and professionals buy plans to resell. We make this possible by offering a special discount for contracts with more than 10 plans and we guarantee customer loyalty for you, indefinitely. As long as you charge the list price. Companies also buy different packages of plans for the same social network, causing the posts to be made, for example, every one hour during day and night.
  • How does capturing and serving customers on social media work?
    There are several ways to capture customers on social networks, examples: WhatsApp ads, messages, through videos , directing to forms or website, anyway. It all depends on the client's objective. Depending on the contracted package, our remote advisors, trained in effective service and sales, will talk to customers who clicked on the ad, understand their needs and forward them to you, your team, or even make the sales, if you prefer.
  • If I don't like a post, can I request a change?
    Yes! You can follow all the steps and request that only posts be made with your approval, for example. We will accommodate all changes, just ask us.
  • Can I insert an image, video or GIF to an FAQ?
    Yes. To add media, follow these steps: Enter the application settings Click Manage FAQ Create or select the question you'd like to add media to When editing your reply, click on the video, image, or GIF icon Add media from your collection and save.
  • How do I add a new FAQ?
    To add a new FAQ, follow these steps: Click the Manage FAQs button. In your site's dashboard, click Add New and choose the Question and Answer option. Each new question and answer must be assigned to a category. Save and publish. You can always edit your FAQs, reorder them and select other categories.
  • How do I edit or remove the "FAQ" heading?
    You can edit the title in the application settings. If you don't want to display the title, simply disable it under Info to show.
  • What is an FAQ section?
    A FAQ section can be used to quickly answer common questions about your business, such as "Where do you ship?", "What are your opening hours?" or "How can I schedule a service?". FAQs are a great way to help people navigate your site and can even boost your SEO.

Digital Marketing Agency | UNISV

06 tips for administering social media (or managing social media) for your company.





Why invest in social media management? Why are more and more companies and professionals investing in social media management?


More than 70 million Brazilians are connected to social networks. Open TV and other means of communication and entertainment are being replaced little by little by social networks. People of all ages and social classes spend more time on social media than anywhere else.


One of the main advantages of this current social phenomenon is the low cost of publicity and advertising. Today, with 2% of the amount invested in advertising on TV, it is possible to reach an audience as large as the one reached by investing in ads on social networks.


However, without correct management of social networks, investments may not bring any return. It is necessary, consistency and strategy for managing social networks with assertiveness.


Companies, liberal professionals, writers and politicians need to be where their audiences are, because those who are not seen are not remembered. Onestudy released by Business Insider reveals that approximately 90% of consumers recommend a company, product and/or service after interacting with it on social media.


However, managing digital media is increasingly complex, requiring the use and applicability of studies and strategies, in addition to dedicating more and more time to follow-up. Many companies invest thousands of reais every day, hiring and expanding more capable and expensive teams, for actions in the administration of their social networks.


Is this reality far away for small companies and many liberal professionals, writers and candidates for public office?


The good news is that it is possible to be on an equal footing with the greats.players, through the contracting of a digital media agency aimed at small companies, such as the Social Network Management Center at UNISV.




The management of social networks is about the professional use of specific tools to bring the consumer closer to the company, generating greater conversion in sales. It's the most economical and effective way to approach the audience you want to approach you or your brand. For this, it is necessary: permanent analysis, consistency in the posts, objectivity, focus and strategies aimed at the results that are intended to be achieved.


UNISV has an adequate structure and a highly qualified team, working from home office, 24 hours a day, in the management of social networks, with the objective of consolidating our clients in their social networks, increasing their presence on the web, in thegoogle searchesand increasing the perceived authority of your brand.


Our social media plans are designed according to the specific needs of companies that want to stand out from the competition, or at least enjoy the market share that is necessary for healthy growth and permanence in the market.






As we have seen so far, one of the most important challenges faced by companies, writers, self-employed professionals and candidates for public office in the management of social networks is to reconcile a high competent workload + up-to-date strategies focused on the study of competitors and public preference- target.


If you don't have thousands of reais a day to enter this insane fight with increasingly bigger competitors and present in social media, you should look for a social media management agency that manages social media (social media management) for small companies. Thus, you start with a low monthly investment and can increase your investment according to the results you get. This way you guarantee the gradual growth of your presence in digital media. It should be noted that in some markets, large companies went bankrupt, while small entrepreneurs grew quickly, by hiring a social media management agency, focusing on a single strategy.


However, for those who have time on their hands and intend to manage their social media themselves, here are some tips from the UNISV social media management team:


#1 Discover the profile of your customers.


You must manage at least two social networks, but you must find out where your customers prefer to be, what times they are most connected and what they like to see, the profiles they like to follow. It must also discover gender, age, geographic location and other characteristics to make the right posts at the right times, in the right places and with a specific strategy. This information will also be useful for creating ads that can be made with low investment and high return.


So when we start a social media management contract with a client, the first thing we do is a meeting with them, followed by a full week of studies. So we started correctly. It should be noted that this study continues to be carried out month by month, for the duration of the contract, so that there is improvement in the services provided and constant improvement of the results.


#2 Choice of social networks


Now that you have your target audience's profile, you need to choose which social networks they most interact with. Choose one, a maximum of two social networks at the beginning, as managing social networks in several places at the same time is impossible for one person to do. You can even start, but you won't keep doing it for a long time, because you'll have other things to do in life, like running your career or business. Consistency is the big secret in social media management. Sometimes results come quickly, like 2 or 3 months, but in most cases, it takes a long time to show the results you really need.


The choice of social networks that you will manage is essential for the results you want to achieve, for example: A clothing store, personalized or gifts, will have much more chances of success on Instagram than on LinkedIn. Just like an employment agency will have a lot more chances on LinkedIn than on Facebook, and so on.


Sometimes you have to test for a while to see which social network you get the best results on. It should be noted that when we talk about “results” they are linked to the company's objectives and can be different for each case. For example: company xy wants to have more followers in less time and even though it is, perhaps, an employment agency, it needs to have a good representation of followers on Instagram, to present it on its company website. Unlike some of your competitors, who need to create more leads through LinkedIn, the chosen social network should be Instagram.


#3 Develop the right strategies


It's not enough to create beautiful posts, that's also important, but if it's not within an action plan, it's like throwing time and money to the wind. The elaboration of a well-defined strategy is one of the great differentials in the management of social networks. That's why some people don't get results and others do. A customer once asked: “It seems that you are doing the same things I was doing, why is it working now and before it didn’t?” After I explained how we were following step by step the strategy created at the beginning of the contract, he was surprised and said how he regretted not having hired our social media management service sooner.


In order to develop strategies in managing social networks, it is necessary to define the company's objectives in the short, medium and long term, study the competing market and find market potential. This is a business consulting job. A lot of people don't understand this and that's why they question the price of the service in managing social networks.


#4 Select the content


Content selection is intrinsically related to the previous item. In social media management, content is the result of strategic planning. Contents are defined as videos or images. Videos can be short or long. Images can be single or presented in slides. The texts are fundamental and must be optimized for the keywords pre-defined in the planning.


For the most part, posts should not be repeated across different social networks. Unless they are social networks that interact with each other with a management panel, as in the case of the group's social networksGoalof Mark Zuckerberg, like Facebook and Instagram, at the same time, for example. If you use the same image, you must change its name when saving the file before posting. You should change the texts too. This is the basis of success in the insertion of posts made by the administration of social networks.


#5 Monitor the results


Monitoring is essential when managing social networks such as Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn. For this you need to use some tools that are made available by the social media platforms themselves, but also by several paid tools. An investment of at least BRL 750 per month.


In the case of social media management agencies like ours, these paid tools can be used for more than one client at the same time.


#6 Promote your business on social media


Paid disclosure on social media, also known as: paid traffic, ADS or boosting, is critical to the success of any business. It is possible to achieve results only organically, but it is very time consuming. However, it is not enough to just publicize it, it is necessary to publicize it correctly, based on the strategy created and with the measurement of results and improvement every month, if possible every week. The disclosure is made, most of the time, by platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, among others.


Understanding the great importance of managing social networks for the consolidation of companies in the digital media environment, UNISV's Social Network Management Agency offers a range of services, among which thesocial media management. In addition to analyzing the profile of the target audience, consulting to verify the competition, challenges and opportunities, we create strategies based on the company's objectives, professional monitoring, content production and analysis of reports on the progress of actions on social networks and the behavior of followers.

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