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Antologia 2020 edital aberto
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 Anthology of Children's Stories

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Children's Anthology Edital  Open

TELL ME A STORY I LOVE: Anthology of children's stories for parents & children

Submissions:30 July a 28 November 2020.


No participation fee:Authors do not pay participation fees or undertake to purchase books.


Anthology Awards:Free copies and Royalties cash on the first print run (Other valuable prizes will be presented in the pre-launch phase)

Please do not submit your stories before reading the entire notice and following all the requirements.

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Editora UNISV, through its young label VIBE Books, makes public the call for participation of Brazilian writers for the anthology CONTA ME UM CONTO QUE EU ENCANTO: Anthology of children's stories for parents & children, which will be launched in the first half of 2021 , thus giving the opportunity to new authors and well-known writers who wish to publish, free of charge, a quick, fun, interactive story that has a moral background for the mental, emotional, intellectual or social development of children.

Synopsis of the Anthology

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A collection of extraordinary children's stories for those who enjoy adventures and do not give up a lot of fun and entertainment.

Excellent for leisure hours and parent-child interaction, all stories are built with the aim of developing socio-emotional issues that will help children deal with feelings such as anger, anxiety, jealousy, shame, fear, sadness, pain and frustration; in addition to dealing with topics that will motivate the little ones not to lie, to be obedient, to be more careful with their toys, to know how to share, to have empathy, etc.

Prepared by several Brazilian writers and validated by a specialist.

fully illustrated

Contains activities for the little ones to learn while playing

Recommended for children aged 3 to 9 years.


Resources for the preparation and publication of the book come from the publisher's own funds, with no payment by authors.

Resources for printing, publicizing and distributing the book will be collected throughCrowdfundingand crowdfunding on the websiteCatharsis.

With the value of the goal achieved, 3,000 copies will be printed and distributed, 1,000 of which will be distributed free of charge to needy children in the communities of Bairro do Cruzeiro and Alto São José in Senador Pompeu CE. Many of them have never had access to children's literature of this size.

Crianças sorrindo

Request the Anthology Notice

Terms and conditions:

Only send (submit) your (original) short story after reading the public notice and clearing all doubts (if any) through our writer service center: 

Request the public notice, correctly filling in your best email, phone with WhatsApp  and clicking on the request button.

You  will register on our VIP List of writers to receive all our news (don't worry, we won't fill your email box or your bag with floods of emails) . We will only send what appears to be of interest to you.

Only stories from those who downloaded the notice by email will be considered:

Run to your email. Check if the edict landed in the Spam box


You certainly can't copy the story of Pinocchio, but in this infectious tale we all love, its creator, the ItalianCarlo Collodi, in 1883, before modern psychotherapeutic and educational methods existed to deal with the socio-emotional issues of children, immortalized the story of the wooden puppet who became a real boy when he learned not to lie and to be obedient to his “father”. Geppetto. I know you already know this story, but watch the video and get inspired to use all your creativity to write a fun, short and assertive story to help build character and control the personality of our little readers. Everything they like and need.


Now that you've downloaded and read the entire 2020 Public Announcement from Editora UNISV | Publish book, please share this page on at least one of your social networks (Facebook or Instagram), tag 4 friends and also tag @editraunisv. Also help to promote this project, leaving your comment at the end of this page. Tell us what you  think about this opportunity.

The time has come! Send your story with as requested specifications. Click on the blue button and go to the submission form:

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About the Anthology Organizer

The work will be organized by Ana Letícia Covre Odorizzi Marquezan, a psychologist from the University of Gurupi (UNiRG), specializing in cognitive psychology, working in therapies focused on emotions. She holds a master's degree in education from the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) with an emphasis on creative and socio-emotional education. She is a professor at the Lutheran University Center of Palmas (CEULP/ULBRA) where she teaches the subjects of: human development 1 and 2, psychology of learning, psychology of education and psychology with inclusion practices.


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